2022 - 2023​


May 2024 - Teacher Appreciation Week Lunch - Priceless

March 2024 - Learning Gate's Annual Action Basket - Value $340

March 2024 - Frisbees for Students - Priceless

February 2024 - Learning Gate's Annual Auction Hero Sponsorship of $1,200

December 2023 - Teachers & Staff Holiday Luncheon - Priceless

October 2023 - Annual Giving Donation of $4,825

August 2023 - Planners for all LG Students - Priceless

Giving Back

May 2022 - Teacher Appreciation Week T-Shirts for Teachers/Staff - Priceless

May 2022 - Teacher Appreciation Week Coffee Day - Priceless

March 2022 - Razzle Dazzle Raffle Donation $320

March 2022 - Learning Gate's 18th Annual Auction Basket $344 Value

February 2022 - Learning Gate's 18th Annual Action Sponsorship of $1,200

December 2021 - Teachers & Staff Holiday Luncheon - Priceless

November 2021 - Planners for all LG Students - Priceless

October 2021 - Talent Show Sponsorship of $3,000

October 2021 - Annual Giving Donation of $3,000

August 2021 - Teachers & Staff Welcome Back Breakfast - Priceless

Heron Outfitters

May 2023 - Teacher Appreciation Week T-Shirts for Teachers/Staff - Priceless

May 2023 - Teacher Appreciation Week Coffee Day - Priceless

March 2023 - Learning Gate's 19th Annual Auction Basket - Value $379

January 2023 - Learning Gate's 19th Annual Auction Sponsorship of $1,200

November 2022 - Talent Show Sponsorship of $3,000

October 2022 - Teacher Wish List Items - $3,190

August 2022 - Planners for all LG Students - Priceless

August 2022 - 'Move Your Bus' T-Shirts for Teachers & Staff - Priceless

August 2022 - Teacher & Staff Welcome Back Breakfast - Priceless

October 2018 - Annual Giving Donation of $10,000

2023 - 2024​​

2020 - 2021​​​

2021 - 2022​​​

March 2021 - Learning Gate's 17th Annual Auction Sponsorship of $1,000

March 2021 - Learning Gate's 17th Annual Auction Basket $410 Value 

October 2020 - Talent Show Sponsorship of $1,000

October 2020 - Annual Giving Donation of $3,000

2018 - 2019​​​